Sanchita Kamath

Sanchita S. Kamath

A Student Researcher, aiming to include accessibility and inclusivity in software design and in life, exploring the field of Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence. I wish to work towards aiding the lives of the differently-abled and marginalized communities, and modify Design Technology and Policy Frameworks to encompass their needs.

Aspiring to be diligent, empathetic, and communicative, by gaining multi-disciplinary, collective intelligence through capstones, insightful Academic and Industrial Internships & Research Service positions.

University of Sharjah

Research into Digital Twins and Algorithmic Trading

July-August '22

Worked on two projects - conducted a Systematic Literature Review on Digital Twins in the sector of Aviation (involving several aspects and had an outcome of three publishable research papers) and dwelved into understanding Automated Trading, and worked primarily towards Robotic Process Automation on Japanese Candlesticks.
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Publications and Presentations

Includes Research papers and Presentations

August '21 onwards

Research conducted in the Field of Human Computer Interaction, User Experience, Design Tehcnology, and Cognitive Visualization. Technical papers include those in the sphere of Blockchain and IoT.
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Research into aiding marginalized groups while development of the Vocal Biomarker for COVID-19

July-Sept '21

Responsible for designing interfaces, after user research for marginalized groups (financially unstable and differently abled) and major focus given on elimination of financial and language barriers in India, and including accessibiility by developing voice interfaces and toll-free cellular calls.
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UX Research and Design

Developed Case Studies

October '20 onwards

Applied concepts of Interaction Design, Lean UX and User Interaction to design interfaces.
Click here to know more

Autistic Education

Modifying content interaction to allow for accessibility and inclusion and helping include Child-Centric Design, Parental Inclusion and Control and Self-Reliance.

Smart Home

Including Industrial advances to have a systemized smart home for energy efficiency for requirement of less owner-labour.


Smart Binning system, capable of segregating organic and inorganic waste, including a supporting application providing incentives for waste management.

M. Hostels

A website for booking of hostel rooms with dynamic pricing and discounting algorithm, to make the website a single-stop for all students who want to avail the facility.

AI-Based Natural Disaster Analysis System using IBM Watson

Analyze imagery and compare with a pre-collected database using Convolutional Neural Network. Analysis could occur on live video feed, image uploads and uploaded video feed.


Application for COVID-19 Test Scheduling and Vaccination slots, employing accessibility and inclusion; along with a Prioritization Algorithm to give preference to the ailing and disabled.